Cayman Healthcare Consulting - Facility Security

By: Barrie Quappé RN, BSN – Consultant/Director:

In today’s social climate, increased anger, violence and general civil disobedience even health care facilities have to be mindful of the security of their clinics for the safety of all staff. There are also concerns of the security of a patient’s data and personal information. How secure is your documentation system, interactions with insurance agencies on a patient’s behalf and liaising with other medical specialists? Do patients know who has a right to view their medical information?

Security Tips For a Healthcare Facility

1. Have you considered having a door buzzer to let in your patients?

This simple first point of contact screening tool can alleviate staff from having to look over their shoulder, worried that a person with bad intentions can come bursting in and create havoc. It is my experience that your patients won’t mind this step because they too will know that once inside, there is that extra layer of protection for them as well. Cayman is changing and we should all review our internal Health and Safety policies to identify vulnerable points and seek to remedy these. There are other ways to make your clinic secure and any security expert can advise you on these from the simple to the pricey – your choice.

2. How secure is your patient’s records?
Do you communicate with specialists, labs or other health sector organizations on your cell, on behalf of your patients?

“Plenty of options exist to make these devices secure…but a lack of proper policies and user training presents the biggest issue. And while training is important, audits to make sure users are following protocol is essential. Encryption is great. But a dumb user will get you every time.” (Sheber, 2012)

You may want to consult your telecommunication provider to inform yourself of these options to improve the security of patient data on your mobile devices.

3. Have you gone paperless? Do you have an off-island back-up for hurricane season?
Going paperless can have its drawbacks such as complete loss of data due to unexpected power outages (thanks CUC) and other technical failures. Consider paying for an online security system for this layer of protection. There are many options and don’t have to be costly. Network with your colleagues to ask them what they are utilizing. You may be surprised how inexpensive these systems are and you have the peace of mind that you are doing all you can to protect your patient data. Be sure to let you client know about your efforts to secure their data. This can show how much you respect their privacy and build further trust.

Need Assistance with your People, Policies or Facilities? Contact Us Today!


Relevant Links:
Sheber, S. (2012) ‘Five Common Security Issues Threatening your Health Care Facility’, American Health Information Management Association, [Online] Available from:

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