By: Barrie Quappé MPA, RN, BSN – Consultant/Director:

Have you taken the time lately to review your policies in place for your healthcare facility? Are you adequately training your staff (registered and non-registered, as applicable) regarding your existing policies? Do your policies include adequate references to sources? Have you added new services?

You’ll need to update your policies. While most policies end up in a book on the shelf collecting dust, you should ideally check your policies and review them annually to ensure that these are up-to-date.

Why? Having updated policies ingrained in your daily practice, leads to more efficient inspections and better risk mitigation. Most owners do not adequately realize nor focus on their inherent risks.

Let’s face it. Most of us get consumed by focusing solely on day-to-day operations and generating revenues. We’re busy buying and replacing equipment, hiring and firing, balancing the books and more.

Regardless, don’t let this important area go unaddressed. Review your policies annually. Make sure they are up-to-date and adequately referenced. Educate and train all current and incoming staff on your policies and procedures and ensure they have signed off on them to show they have “read and understood” the policies required for their position.

Need help? Missing anything? Why not get an outside, experienced perspective on your existing policies? As always, CHCC stands ready to assist!

Contact Cayman Healthcare Consulting today for a full policy review.

Need Assistance with your People, Policies or Facilities?

Click Here to Contact Cayman Healthcare Consulting Today!

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